Cuffless continuous Blood Pressure
Prof. Yuan-Ting Zhang - The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China
Dr. Jens Mühlsteff - Philips Research Europe, Germany
Increased blood pressure – the highly prevalent hypertension syndrome - is the most common risk factor of myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, stroke, kidney failure and blindness. In the US 1 in 3 has hypertension and the total costs per year are $ 63.5 bln. State of the art devices for blood pressure monitoring are still mainly based on the sphygmo-manometric occlusive arm-cuff, which are clumsy, uncomfortable and allow only for intermittent measurements at intervals of several minutes. There is a strong demand at providing wearable comfortable solutions for estimating blood pressure level and variation, which will give a more realistic representation of a patient’s blood pressure in daily life situations.
The tutorial deals with technologies that enable cuff-less blood pressure measurements, possibly at heartbeat-to-heartbeat level and covers theoretical as well as practical issues. The basic underlying principles, effects of physiological and physical activities, experimental results together with some demonstrations and the consequences for new blood pressure standards will be presented.